Jake Weatherford

Castlepoint Blog: The Point

Castlepoint Quarterly Webinar: Q1 2023

In this Q1 2023 market review webinar, Castlepoint Partner & Advisor Jake Weatherford, CFP®, and Partner & CIO Adam Lee, CFA®, provide a comprehensive analysis of the first quarter marketplace and current economic climate. The pair focuses on US stocks and bonds, international stocks, and different markets, offering valuable insights and perspectives on the financial industry. They also cover current events impacting the market and discuss why they plan to cover them. 

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Back 2 Basics: Life Insurance Needs Analysis

If you’ve ever wondered how much life insurance you need, look no further! Castlepoint Wealth Advisor Partner & Advisor Jake Weatherford, CFP®, kicks off a new Jake’s Take series about the basics of financial planning with a video that explains four basic rules that will help you determine how much life insurance you might neet.

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