Jake Weatherford

Castlepoint Blog: The Point

The Art of Choosing the Right Fund

In this Jake’s Take video, Castlepoint Partners Jake Weatherford, CFP®, and Adam Lee, CFA®, emphasize the importance of fully understanding one’s investment strategy before selecting funds. Like building furniture, the process requires the right tools to achieve the desired outcome. Ultimately, the optimal fund choice hinges on the investor’s unique strategy requirements and objectives.

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What Do You Know About Insurance Fees?

Do you know what fees might be hidden in your insurance policies? In this Jake’s Take video, Castlepoint Partners’ Jake Weatherford, CFP®, and Adam Lee, CFA®, discuss the intricacies of insurance policies and insurance fees, with a particular focus on annuities, and emphasize the need for transparency and awareness.

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Election Year Financial Planning

There’s always a lot of worry and speculation surrounding the stock market during a presidential election year. In this Jake’s Take video, Castlepoint Partners Jake Weatherford, CFP®, and Adam Lee, CFA®, discuss the role of politics in stock market returns and dive into data that shows historically positive returns regardless of who wins the election.

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How to Forecast and Weather the Next Recession

In this Jake’s Take video, Castlepoint Partners Jake Weatherford, CFP®, and Adam Lee, CFA®, sit down to discuss recessions and why they’re imminent but challenging to forecast. The dynamic duo explains why they build long-term investment plans to weather recessions and why the strategy at the top of a market cycle is just as important as the strategy at the bottom.

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What do you know about Annuities?

Curious about annuities? Castlepoint Partner & Advisor Jake Weatherford, CFP®, joins Castlepoint Partner & CIO Adam Lee, CFA®, to discuss the nuances of annuities. The advisory duo explores transparency, fees, and liquidity challenges. Watch this Jake’s Take video to learn why a clear plan is critical to informed decision-making, gain insights into potential pitfalls, and why some of the most successful investors prioritize comprehension over complexity.

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The Power of Compounding Interest

How does compounding interest work, and how can you unlock its remarkable potential? In this Jake’s Take video, Castlepoint Partner and Advisor Jake Weatherford, CFP®, discusses the power of compounding interest and its potential for significant growth over time.

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